Our therapy


Individual tumor therapy

taking into account your metabolism and your immune system

"If you want to reach something that you have not reached yet, then do what you have never done before . "

Source: Freely adapted from stories and wisdom of Dr. Nossrat Peseschkian

The therapy of the Medical Center Frankfurt is based on evidence-based medical knowledge ( EBM, of English evidence-based medicine " based on evidence medicine " ) or medical guidelines ( if any) and also taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient ( = personalized medicine ) .

Fundamentals of individual therapy are the following measures and procedures:

  •     Personalized Medicine *
  •     Complementary cancer therapy
  •     Metabolic Customized Nutritional Medicine *
  •     Micronutrient Medicine * - Prevention and treatment of micronutrient
  •     Sports medicine - in the sense of movement programs *
  •     Mental Program * (incl. stress Manegement )

The therapy is a targeted therapy that is constantly being re-aligned to the current measurement data ( laboratory parameters ) , which provide information on tumor activity. This is not about the classical tumor markers.

* Due to the DocMedicus expert system we have evidence- based medical knowledge to treat over 800 diseases / symptoms (see DocMedicus doctor information system) .